Feminism, back on track (although it never strayed)

  • Location: Atria, bibliotheek
  • Date:
  • Time: 0:00
22 Jun - 26 Apr Feminism, back on track (although it never strayed)

An interview with Anja Meulenbelt about ‘the new feminism’ and the launch of her most recent book Feminism. Terug van nooit weggeweest (Feminism, back on track  (although it never really strayed). Sylvana Simons, Dylan van Rijsbergen, Sarah Bracke, and Nadia Benaissa will hold four mini guestlectures. Can feminism actually lead to inclusivity and equality? What does feminism mean for masculinity? How can feminism relate to right-wing populism? Shouldn’t feminism become critical of society again?

The booklaunch will be hosted in Dutch.

