Århundradets kärlekssaga

Book | Finland
English title: The Love Story of the Century
Keyword(s): alcoholism | artists | feelings | love | marriage | personal narratives | poetry | writers
Languages(s): Swedish
Manifest: view document
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Århundradets kärlekssaga – the Love Story of the Century is a series of separate, but linked autobiographical prose poems. The book is a merciless account of the author’s marriage to an alcoholic, who also was a prominent writer and artist. The poems describe a variety of feelings: love, hate, passion, quilt, hope and despair. Feminist views are combined with personal reflections both as a wife and as a mother. A selection of fifteen prose poems in the book is digitized and saved in this website (FRAGEN _ Frames on Gender). The selection is made by the author herself. The cover art is made by Henrik Tikkanen and lay out by Carl Henning.