Rechent mat de Fraen! Neen zur Austeritéit!

Rechent mat de Fraen! Neen zur Austeritéit!

Other | Luxembourg

English title: Mind the Women! No to austerity!
Corporate author(s): Femmes Socialistes; Femmes en Détresse; Mouvement de Libération des Femmes; OGB-L-Fraen; Unione delle Donne Italiane/Esch; Union des Femmes
Keyword(s): International women’s day | demonstration | work | unemployment | part-time work | day-care centres | migration | violence | domestic violence | poverty
Languages(s): German – Luxembourgish
Manifest: view document

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This flyer was written by 6 different women’s organisations for their first common demonstration against the discrimination of women in the form of numerous inequalities: Unemployment of women – only 30% of the women in Luxembourg work, but 50% of all unemployed are women. Part-time work allows women to combine work with having children, but pushes them back into traditional roles as housewives and mothers. The undersigned demand good-quality state-funded day-care centres. The budget cuts in childcare affect low-income families worst. Women in part-time jobs have no promotion prospects, they receive low pensions. Female foreign workers suffer even more. The economic crisis leads to an increase in violence towards women. The undersigned demand the implementation of the law against prostitution as well as the punishment of all sexual aggression and assault in marriage and within families.


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