Abortus – pravica do izbire?

Abortus – pravica do izbire?! : pravni, medicinski, sociološki, moralni in politični vidiki
English title: Abortion – the right to choice?! : legal, medical, sociological, moral and political aspects
Corporate author(s): Skupina “Ženske za politiko”
Keyword(s): abortion | reproductive rights | constitution | law | media | politics | sociology | Slovenia
Languages(s): Slovenian
Manifest: view document: Abortus – pravica do izbire?
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A book made by the feminist group ‘Women for politics’ (Ženske za politiko) in a crucial moment of the recent Slovenian history in the year 1991 when the reproductive rights of women were endangered. The initiative was fighting for the inclusion of the right in the constitution to freely decide upon a child’s birth. The new political situation in the country is being analysed,
media clippings on the subject presented, legal, medical and sociological argumentations discussed and standpoints of authorities, political parties, religious groups and women’s groups presented. In the appendix regulations of abortion in other European countries are presented.
Authors of the book are: Eva Dolar Bahovec, Karel Zupančič, Mateja Končina, Viktor Papež, Lidija Andolšek-Jeras, Dunja Obersnel-Kveder, Tone Kunstelj, Mateja Kožuh-Novak, Mirjana Ule, Mateja Pinter, Majda Černič Istenič, Milica G. Antić and Vera Kozmik.