Britt Myren
Dr. Britt Myren is senior researcher at Atria. She is the projectmanager of the program Act4Respect Unlimited and conducts research. Act4Respect Unlimited focuses on the prevention of sexual and (ex-)partner violence among young adults. Together with the Collections department, she supervises interns with research on e.g. the history of abortion.
Britt completed her master’s degree in Medical Anthropology and Sociology (MAS) at the University of Amsterdam in 2012. She worked in several research projects on patient-centered care in the field of women’s health. Within her work she also focused on issues of care for women with a migration- or refugee background. She defended her PhD at Radboudumc at the department of Gynecology and Obstetrics on the theme of patient-centered care around adverse events. Special attention was given to learning processes and developing an innovative way of working.
Thematic expertise
Women’s health, genderbased violence, prevention of sexual violence and (ex-)partner violence, positive sexuality and the body
Methodical expertise
Scientific research, qualitative research methods, participatory action research (PAR), (process) evaluation research.
Scientific publications
Myren, B.J. A voice at the table: Patient participation at the morbidity and mortality meeting. Proefschrift (2023)
Myren, B.J., P.L.M. Zusterzeel, J.A. de Hullu, J.A.M. Kremer, J.J. Koksma ‘Patient participation at the morbidity and mortality meeting: A transformative learning experience’ SSM – Qualitative Research in Health (2022), 2(Dec): 100105.
Myren, B., de Hullu, J., Koksma, J. et al. Cyclic workflow to improve implementation of learning points from morbidity and mortality meetings. BMC Health Serv Res 22, 1282 (2022).
Myren, B.J., R.P.M.G. Hermens, J.J. Koksma, S. Bastiaans, J.A. de Hullu, P.L.M. Zusterzeel ‘Openness to new perspectives created by patient participation at the morbidity and mortality meeting’ Patient Education and Counseling (2021), 104(2): 343-351.
Myren, B., J. de Hullu, S. Bastiaans, J. Koksma, R. Hermens, P. Zusterzeel ‘Disclosing adverse events in clinical practice: The delicate act of being open’ Health communication (2020), 1-11. doi: 10.1080/10410236.2020.1830550
Andel van, T., S. van Onselen, B. Myren, A. Towns, D. Quiroz ‘”The medicine from behind”: The frequent use of enemas in western African traditional medicine’ Journal of Ethnopharmacology (2015), 174:637-643.
Andel van, T., B. Myren, S. van Onselen ‘Ghana’s Herbal Market’ Journal of Ethnopharmacology (2012), 140(2):368-78.