Supervisory board

Atria’s Supervisory Board has the following members: Kathalijne Buitenweg (chair), Rosita Girjasing, Lucinda Jones, Anna Timmerman.
Kathalijne Buitenweg is a State Councillor in the Advisory Division of the Council of State. She began her career in the European Parliament as a member of Groenlinks and then obtained a PhD with a thesis on European political representation, at the University of Amsterdam. In 2012, Buitenweg became a member of the Human Rights Board. Five years later, she returned to politics, as vice party leader and justice and security spokesperson in the House of Representatives. Since 2021, she has worked for the Council of State. Women’s rights run as a thread through Buitenweg’s activities. As a member of parliament, she campaigned for a better approach to stalking, sexual crimes and marital imprisonment. She has also been chair of the Clara Wichmann trial fund and ambassador of the ‘My life, my choice, my body’ campaign.
Rosita Girjasing is business director of the Maritime Museum Rotterdam. She previously worked as Manager Finance & Control at the Kunstmuseum Den Haag. Girjasing has experience in the non-profit sector and is looking forward to contributing to the management and preservation of Atria’s legacy. Atria’s mission to promote gender equality through scientific research, with an eye for diversity, is close to her heart. She is an energetic connector with whom the team result always comes first. In her work, she focuses on cooperation, paying particular attention to complementing each other’s talents to add value to an organisation. Girjasing is a member of the Supervisory Board of the Kunstlinie Almere and of the Supervisory Board of the Raeger Autism Centre in Amsterdam.
Lucinda Jones is director of the University Library at Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). She previously worked for various publishers and as Head of Collections at the Royal Library. Whilst there, she was responsible for collection and digitisation and worked closely with (inter)national parties from the science, cultural heritage and public library sectors. At EUR, Jones works to advance science, nurture academic heritage and create social impact. Jones has always been committed to making knowledge available as freely as possible. Her belief is that making information widely accessible helps in the fight for equality and opportunity. Not only for heritage enthusiasts and scholars but also for society.
Anna Timmerman is an independent consultant. Under the name fini bono, she works as an interim manager and director, advising on business development and professionalisation. Timmerman started her career at Humanity in Action, where she developed educational programmes on human rights for future leaders and then progressed to director. As Dutch director of international human rights organisation Human Rights Watch, she founded the Dutch office (2009 – 2017) and worked as a consultant in the non-profit sector. From 2020 to 2022, she was executive director for peace organisation PAX. Besides being a consultant, Timmerman is also a member of the Dutch Committee of Human Rights Watch and is working on the realisation of a Queer Museum. Timmerman’s experience with human rights and dedication to civil society organisations she brings with her to Atria.
The chairman and members of the Supervisory Board were appointed for a period of three years.