Day of Gender History 2018

  • Location: Atria, library
  • Date:
  • Time: 0:00
13 Apr - 26 Apr Day of Gender History 2018

On Friday, April 13, Atria will spend the afternoon examining history through a gender lense. Three lectures on the significance and meaning of 100 years of women’s voting rights are scheduled for the afternoon, followed by pitches on current projects and activities in the historic field (all in Dutch). We will end the day festively with the Johanna Naberprijs award ceremony.

The Day of Gender History is organised by Atria and theVereniging voor Gendergeschiedenis (VVG).

Johanna Naberprijs

The award that will be presented is named after Johanna Wilhelmina Antoinette Naber (1859-1941). Besides conducting numerous historical studies, she was one of the founders of the Internationaal Archief voor de Vrouwenbeweging (International Archive for the Women’s movement) – Atria’s precursor – in 1935. Naber dedicated a considerable part of her life to the visibility of women in history. The winner of the Johanna Naberprijs will receive a sum of  €500 and a publication in Historica magazine!

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