Gender and Archiving
- Location: Atria, library
- Date:
- Time: 0:00
Presentation of the peer reviewed academic journal Yearbook of Women’s History: Gender and Archiving on the meaning of archiving for the women’s movement then, now and in the future. Atria is guest editor of this 37th volume on ‘Gender and Archiving’.
Gender and Archiving
The women’s movement is one of the most succesful social movements in the western world of the 20th century. Worldwide collections and archives of women and women’s movements offer a unique source for studying women’s history and inspiration for many.
In december 2015 Atria celebrated the 80-year existence of the Collection-IAV, the International Archive for the Women’s movement (founded in 1935), with an international conference on archiving in the 21st century. A selection of the conference papers are included in the 37th volume of the Yearbook of Women’s History.
Presentation Yearbook of Women’s History
After the welcome by prof. dr. Renée Römkens, director of Atria, dr. Eveline Buchheim (researcher at NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, and editor of the Yearbook) will give a short introduction on behalf of the editors of the Yearbook of Women’s History. Tashina Blom (initiator of the Maagdenhuis archives 2015) will give a presentation on gendered exclusionary practices during the Maagdenhuis protests in 2015. The first copy of the book will be presented to prof. dr. Geertje Mak.
Speakers Gender and Archiving
Geertje Mak
Prof. dr. Geertje Mak is professor of the Political History of Gender in the Netherlands at the University of Amsterdam. She specialises in historical research into the changing meanings of gender, both male and female.
Tashina Blom
Tashina Blom is doing the research master Cultural Analysis at the UvA and was active during the Maagdenhuis Occupation in 2015. She is currently working on an archive about the Maagdenhuis occupation in cooperation with the City Archives of Amsterdam. Together with Molly Bower she wrote an article for the Yearbook.
Eveline Buchheim
Dr Eveline Buchheim is researcher at the Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies (NIOD) and editor of the Yearbook of Women’s History.
Time and location
The presentation will take place in Atria’s Library, Vijzelstraat 20.
Monday, February 26, 2018
Doors are open at 15.30
Program starts at 16.00
The presentation will be concluded with drinks.
On the Yearbook
This volume of the Yearbook of Women’s History focuses on the meaning and potential of archiving for enhancing gender equality and the position of women worldwide. More than just storehouses of knowledge, archives offer new ways of understanding the past, and make it possible to imagine other ways of living in the present. Focusing on both traditional and non-traditional archival practices, in various parts of the world, the Yearbook explores the meaning of archiving for women and women’s history. Besides investigating the feminist potential of the archive, it also examines questions of erasure and forgetting. While archives may have emancipatory or democratizing potential, practices of discarding equally shape the histories that can be written, and the stories that can be told. This volume has been produced by the editorial board of the Yearbook of Women’s History in collaboration with the Atria Institute on gender equality and women’s history in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Articles in The Yearbook of Women’s History
Photo: Artist Ruth Barker at the GWL archives. © Glasgow Women’s Library