The Van Gogh Sisters

  • Location: Atria, library
  • Date:
  • Time: 0:00
1 Feb - 26 Apr The Van Gogh Sisters

Vincent van Gogh had three special sisters, learn more about Anna, Lies & Wil and the time they lived in.

The story of Anna, Lies, and Wil has never been told before. They grew up in a time when long-distance travel by train first became possible, when ‘impressionist’ was still a derogatory term, when the feminist movement was only in its infancy, and when idealists from every political creed and color climbed the barricades to declare the revolution.

This evening historian Eveline van Rijswijk talks to Willem-Jan Verlinden, author of De zussen Van Gogh (The Van Gogh Sisters) (in Dutch).

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