Mnohohlasem : vyjednávání ženských prostorů po roce 1989

Book | Czech Republic
English title: Multiple voices : Negotiating Women´s Spaces after 1989
Keyword(s): political participation | non-profit organization | activism | media | gender equality | research | gender studies | art | church | sexual minorities | Roma women
Languages(s): Czech
Manifest: view document
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The book Mnohohlasem describes pro-women activism in the Czech Republic presented on key subjects, such as political participation of women, representation of women and feminism in media, institutionalized policies and strategies of leadership positions leading to support of equal opportunities of women and men, pro-women activism in the field of science and research, women’s
involvement in cultural spheres and reflection of feminism among women artists, women’s participation in church life, the position of sexual minorities and LGBT community activism, emancipation of Roma women and participation of women in radical left wing and right wing parties. Mnohohlasem focuses on transformation processes in the Czech Republic since 1989, including
accession of the Czech Republic to the European Union and related changes in the perception of equal opportunities of women and men in Czech society.