Experts and selection

PhDr. Jana Cviková
Field of expertise: expert in gender studies and gender politics, germanist, founder of ASPEKT, translator, gender expert, author and editor of many publication, literary scientist
Prof. PhDr. Etela Farkašová, PhD
Field of expertise: philosopher, expert in feminism and gender studies, co-founder of the Center of Gender Studies in Philosophical Faculty of Comenius University, writer, essayist
Doc. Phdr. Zuzana Kiczková, PhD.
Field of expertise: feminist philosopher, c-founder of the Centrum of Gender Studies in the Comenius University in the Philosophical Fakulty, author of many feminist texts, gender expert
Mgr. Ľubica Kobová, MA
Field of expertise: feminist political theory, materialist feminism, critical discourse analysis, cultural political economy, gender studies
PhDr. Mariana Szapuova, PhD.
Field of expertise: feminist philosopher, gender expert
Report on the selection process by the Slovak FRAGEN team
Jana Juránová from ASPEKT contacted the experts by letter and explained them the details the project. The experts had some time to think about the list of 5 to 10 texts. At a meeting in January 2010 the experts (without one who was ill) discussed the texts chosen by each of them. Jana Juránová explained them once more the goal of the project: to find and identify texts very near to manifestos.
All of them discussed the situation of feminism and gender studies in Slovakia and agreed that they would choose the texts from the beginning of the 90s, because there were no relevant influences of feminist thinking in the 60s, 70s and 80s. They also agreed that in Slovakia there was not the typical women’s and feminist movement as the political and social movement; but the movement was mostly about the raising of consciousness. From that point of view the most important was the book “Four Views into Feminist Philosophy” – translations, and also studies by Slovak feminist philosophers; and at the same time the existence of the feminist cultural journal Aspekt as the crucial point of all future feminist action, thinking, ‘movement of minds’ etc.
Every expert had prepared her ‘shortlist’. In the discussion they put together the definite shortlist of the 10 texts: the most relevant and important from the perspective of discourse, action, future development of the feminist thinking and acting.