Experts and selection

prof. Vlasta Jalušič, PhD
Field of expertise: feminist theory, political science, history of feminism in Slovenia
Short bio: Vlasta Jalušič is the author of several articles and chapters in books on women’s movement and feminism, on notion of politics and Hannah Arendt, on violence, war and disintegration of Yugoslavia. She is an associate professor of political science and gender studies at the Ljubljana University and teaches within the Gender and Culture Programme at the Central European University in Budapest. A longtime activist against intolerance and for gender equality she has been deeply involved in feminist networks and human rights activities.
prof. Tanja Rener, PhD
Field of expertise: sociology of gender, sociology of families, GLBT studies
Short bio: Tanja Rener is professor of family sociology and women’s studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ljubljana. Tanja Rener cooperates with various independent women’s groups and movements in Slovenia and was a national coordinator for youth studies and for women’s studies, both at the Council of Europe. She was a member of the Open Society Board, Budapest and is a co-founder and editor of Confer Academic Press. She has published widely in the field of women’s studies, family and youth studies.
Nataša Velikonja
Field of expertise: lesbian activist
Short bio: Nataša Velikonja works in many areas of social, cultural, scientific and artistic life in Slovenia. She is an activist in gay and lesbian movement since 1993; author of four poetry collections (her first poetry-book is considered as the first lesbian poetry-book in Slovene language); editor of many publications; translator and essayist (in the last decade she published over 500 articles, columns, sociological researches and essays, her articles were also published in nearly ten book-editions, as a single author or co-author).
Report on the selection process by the Slovenian FRAGEN team
Experts were selected by combining the following criteria: age (women of three different generations), working on different professional fields (research, university and activism), and one expert active in the lesbian movement.
In the next stage each of the experts proposed up to 10 documents following the Fragen criteria. All 28 proposed documents (books, articles, leaflet, poster) were put on a joint list, out of which each expert selected 10 most important and prioritized them.
To make the final short list of documents, each of the propositions was rated with 1-10 points according to the ranking of the experts. Document proposed on the top of the list got 10 points, document on the second place 9, on the third 8 points and so on. Points for each of the document were than summed up and documents ranked according to the number of points they got.