
Women frequently play a subordinate role in historical overviews. Hence, in its biographies database, Atria collects information (in Dutch) about the lives of women, who played or continue to play a distinctive role in society.
Women as pioneers
You will encounter many pioneers amongst the women in this database. Women who have done important things in their own field or were the first to practise a particular profession. Think, for instance, in terms of the first female professor in the Netherlands, the first female government minister or the first woman bank director. The women included in the database are all deceased.
The biography selection focuses on:
- women pioneers and the first women in a particular field or profession
- women who played a role in the women’s movement
- women from the Netherlands and the former Dutch colonies
- black, migrant and refugee women in the Netherlands
Press Cuttings
Atria also has folders of biographical press cuttings (in Dutch) comprising newspaper and magazine articles about the lives of important and well-known women; this includes women writers and their work. Apart from the biographies and press cuttings, we also have many books, articles and theses about interesting women.
Contributions and additional information
Do you have any comments or additional information about extraordinary women? Are you writing a biography and would you like to make a contribution?
If so, contact us at