Guided tours Atria

The Institute for gender equality and women’s history houses one of the oldest historical and contemporary collections about women and gender worldwide. The archive and library located in the city centre of Amsterdam contain special and surprising must-see pieces, which are worth a visit.
Organising an outing for colleagues? Or get inspired with your fellow students? Book a guided tour of Atria’s impressive archive. Nowhere else in Europe you will find more information on gender, history and the fight for equal rights. Stand eye-to-eye with Aletta Jacobs’ travel documents. Get inspired by our pioneers who fought for equal rights; a battle which is not over. Will you join us to explore our treasures?
Peek behind the scenes
During the tour, you will have the chance to get to know women’s heritage and history. Expert specialists will teach you why the stories carried by the archives are still relevant today. We also challenge you to delve into the archives yourself. Became curious?
Practical information
Duration: 1.5 hours
Group size: minimum 5 and maximum 15 people
Language: Dutch or English
Costs: 50 euros excluding VAT
Free: for students
For more information or to book a tour, please contact Roselle Servage: