F-Lab on Islam and Feminism

What role do women play in Islam? What is said about women in the Qu’ran and how is it interpreted? How do Muslim women experience the representation of their role as women in relation to the Qu’ran? How does the West look at feminism and Islam? These questions were the central issues raised during Atria’s F-lab held on the 13th of May in Atria’s library.
Amina Wadud entered into dialogue with approximately 20 feminist opinion leaders and publicists. The program kicked off with an interview held by Atria-affiliated researcher Saskia Wieringa, professor Gender and Women’s Same-sex relations Crossculturally of the University of Amsterdam.
The F-lab was streamed live on Facebook, and can still be viewed.
Amina Wadud
On Friday the 12th of May, Amina Wadud was the first woman in the Netherlands to lead an Islamic prayer. The culturally diverse event took place in Paradiso, Amsterdam. Wadud is professor emeritus Islamic studies at the Virginia Commonwealth University and author of the book Qur’an and Woman: Rereading the Sacred Text from a Woman’s Perspective. Wadud conducts research on the Qur’an from a gender-sensitive perspective. The conclusion drawn from her research is that the Qur’an mainly advocates equality between men and women.
The F-Lab is an initiative by Atria. It is a closed meeting for participants with diverse backgrounds, all taking an active part in shaping the current feminist debate. Before Amina Wadud Atria has hosted Chimamanda Adichie in a similar event.

F-Lab about feminism and Islam with Amina Wadud © Jaap Beyleveld