Manifesto FeMigra

English title: FeMigra Manifesto
Corporate author(s): FeMigra – Feministische Migrantinnen
Source: an.schläge : das feministische Magazin
Keyword(s): migration| immigrants| social policies| minority politics| anti-racism| anti-discrimination legislation| mulitlingualism| education politics| institutional violence| budgetary fairness
Languages(s): German
Manifest: manifesto FeMigra
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The Manifesto FeMigra appeals to the Austrian majority society. It calls for those who work in migrant organizations to relinquish their positions to migrants. The Feminist Migrant Women demand an integration secretariat, where migrants can make their own decisions. Migrants’ concerns should be considered in all social groups and unions; migrants have to be involved in all areas where money is distributed and concepts are developed, as well as in all media. Further demands are the abolition of the alien law, an anti-discrimination law, legalization of people without papers, abolition of nostrification, introduction of multilingualism in all public offices and government subsidized positions, automatic recognition of pension contributions paid in other countries, large-scale anti-racist training run by migrants, psychological support for and by migrants, an end to dumping migrant children in special needs schools, as well as recognition of multilingualism as cultural and social capital.