Woman’s Art. Manifest zu der Ausstellung MAGNA

English title: Woman’s Art. Manifesto for the MAGNA exhibition
Source: Neues Forum : internationale Zeitschrift links von der Mitte
Keyword(s): arts | women’s movement
Languages(s): German
URL: http://www.stichwort.or.at/english/frames-e/fragen.htm
Manifest: view document
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According to the author the image of women is determined by men and presented by social and communicative media like science and art, which are created and controlled by men. Women have not found their voice, because they have not had their say. Women have to help themselves to all media as a means for the social struggle and societal progress in order to free culture of male values and accomplish their goals – social equality, self-determination, a new consciousness of women – in all fields.
Export states that tt is time that women use art as a form of expression in order to influence the greater consciousness and create a new, human reality. To change art means to destroy the facets of women that men built. Art can be a medium of women’s self-determination. New values in art change reality through cultural symbols and lead to their adaptation to female needs.
The significance of art for the women’s movement is that new meanings can be drawn from art that can ignite the process of women’s self-determination.