Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)

This project runs from 2022-2025
Every March, the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), the United Nations’ women’s summit, takes place. For a two-week period, countries from all over the world gather in New York to make agreements on gender equality and women’s rights worldwide. The countries record these agreements in a final declaration, known as Agreed Conclusions.
The CSW was founded in 1946 and the first meeting was in 1947. Each year, a specific theme on women’s rights and gender equality takes centre stage.
Atria, together with WO=MEN in the Netherlands, is responsible for bringing together input from civil society organisations for the CSW. Atria takes care of developing and sharing knowledge about gender equality and the theme of the CSW, advising the Dutch government delegation and connecting international and national policies for gender equality.
What is Atria’s role?
Every year, Atria collects knowledge and recommendations from Dutch civil society organisations working for gender equality. Based on this input, Atria produces a document with recommendations for the CSW from a gender and intersectional perspective. This document will be presented to the Dutch government delegation that will be going to New York in March. Together with other civil society organisations, Atria also attends the CSW in New York every year to follow the negotiations, support the delegation and exchange information and knowledge.
This project is funded by the Directorate of Emancipation of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.