
29 partners in 29 countries (EU countries plus Croatia and Turkey) participate in the FRAGEN project. They vary from women’s and gender libraries and documentation centers to women’s studies department at universities.
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Each country page gives a profile of the FRAGEN partner in the respective country, a short biography of the experts* who made the selection, the longlist and the shortlist.

* Three to five prominent national experts on the feminist movement in their country which are knowledgeable of various strands of feminism.

These experts were asked to nominate five to ten important ‘feminist texts’ (books, articles, periodicals, pamphlets, posters or pictures) that originate in their country and to give arguments for their proposals connected to the criteria.
Out of these so-called ‘longlist’ of all proposed texts, the experts have ultimately created the ‘shortlist’ of feminist texts that were chosen for the FRAmed on GENder (FRAGEN). The shortlist contains a maximum of ten texts per country.