álláspont a női kvóta törvényjavaslat kapcsán

Levél a képviselőknek : álláspont a női kvóta törvényjavaslat kapcsán
Other | Hungary
English title: Letter to Members of Parliament : Our standpoint on the women’s quota bill
Corporate author(s): Hungarian Women’s Lobby
Keyword(s): women’s organizations | women in politics | quota | lobbying
Languages(s): Hungarian
URL: noierdek.hu
Manifest: view document
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The lobbying letter contains the standpoint of the Hungarian Women’s Lobby, as harmonized with the opinions of the Hungarian Women’s Alliance and the Hungarian Women’s Interest Association, on the 2007 Parliamentary bill on women’s quota in national politics. The letter is addressed at members of the Hungarian Parliament and argues for the introduction of a 50% women’s quota on the parties’ candidate lists with women and men candidates alternating. The letter argues that only this way it can be guaranteed that the number of women, who would only partly enter the parliament via the candidates’ list, reaches a critical mass, so that issues concerning women’s and men’s equality can be genuinely addressed.