Nacionālais ziņojums par sieviešu stāvokli Latvijā

Book | Latvia
English title: National Report on the Situation of Women
Keyword(s): inequality as sharing power | poverty | access to education | employment of women | future strategic goals
Languages(s): Latvian – English
Manifest: view document
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Description of gender equality in Latvia before the collapse of Soviet system and during the first stage of transition to free market economy and real democracy. In both periods there was full de-jure equality, but not de-facto, except the achieved education (up to age of 50). Employment level of both sexes was rather equal, though distribution by branches, average wages and especially time devoted to unpaid home care differed. It was proposed for the coming years to make changes in Labour Code to allow parents to choose who would take child care leave: mother or father. Since 1996, the Labour Code allows parents to make this choice freely.