Yearbook of Women’s History: Gender and Archiving

Past, present, future
In december 2015 Atria celebrated the 80-year existence of the Collection-IAV, the International Archive for the Women’s movement (founded in 1935), with an international conference on archiving in the 21st century.
A selection of the conference papers are included in the 37th volume of the peer reviewed academic journal Yearbook of Women’s History, complemented with new papers and archive descriptions from women’s archives from different parts of the world. The Yearbook of Women’s History: Gender and Archiving focuses on the meaning of archiving for the women’s movement then, now and in the future. Atria is guest editor of this 37th volume on ‘Gender and Archiving’.
Gender and Archiving
This volume focuses on the meaning and potential of archiving for enhancing gender equality and the position of women worldwide. More than just storehouses of knowledge, archives offer new ways of understanding the past, and make it possible to imagine other ways of living in the present. Focusing on both traditional and non-traditional archival practices, in various parts of the world, the Yearbook explores the meaning of archiving for women and women’s history. Besides investigating the feminist potential of the archive, it also examines questions of erasure and forgetting. While archives may have emancipatory or democratizing potential, practices of discarding equally shape the histories that can be written, and the stories that can be told.
Articles in The Yearbook of Women’s History:
- Antia Wiersma & Renée Römkens: The archival turn: archiving as a tool for empowerment
- Francisca de Haan: Archive fever, resistance, and loss: a rereading of the iav’s early history
- Asli Davaz: The Women’s Library and Information Centre Foundation in Istanbul, Turkey
- Kate Eichhorn: Past-futures: the temporality of feminist archives
- Janet Olson: Research resources at the Frances Willard Memorial Library and Archives
- Molly Bower, Tashina Blom: Social media archiving: cultural memory and digital community activism
- Adele Patrick: Glasgow Women’s Library
- Rose Mary Allen: ‘Nothing about us, without us’: constructing women’s historical knowledge, a case study of Curaçao
- C.S. Lakshmi & Sruti Bala: No more sewing machines! The challenges of a Women’s Archive in India
- Carolyn Birdsall: Divisions of labour: radio archiving as gendered work in wartime Britain and Germany
- Wendy E. Chmielewski: Swarthmore College Peace Collection
- Ria van der Merwe: Democratizing the South African ‘memory bank’: embroidering black women’s voices on the archival canvas
- Noortje Willems & Sylvia Holla: Creating archival sources. Reflections on an innovative feminist oral history approach
- Interview with Evelien Rijsbosch
This volume has been produced by the editorial board of the Yearbook of Women’s History in collaboration with Atria.
Gender and Archiving: Past, Present, Future can be purchased for € 23 via the publisher Uitgeverij Verloren.
Also for sale in Atria’s library.
Purchase at Uitgeverij Verloren