special Dolle Mina (‘Mad Mina’) Dolle Mina was a left-wing radical feminist activist group, established in December 1969. Their aim was to improve women’s rights through playful and humorous protest demonstrations. Read more
research Which Violence Matters? Perceptions of intimate partner violence among people in The Netherlands. Read more
Yearbook of Women’s History: Gender and Archiving About the meaning and potential of archiving for enhancing gender equality and the position of women worldwide. Read more
factsheet The representation of transgender people in Dutch media Atria researched the representation of transgender people in Dutch media of the past 25 years, and investigated how the transgender identity became a recognisable, public figure. Read more
factsheet Violence Against Women; Facts and Figures Some notable results for the Netherlands: 45% of all women had experienced physical and/or sexual violence at some point in their lives, almost three-quarters (73%) had been sexually harassed, one in ten women had been raped at some point in their lives. Read more
research Serving Morality on a Platter Historically, Dutch women have been primarily responsible for the kind of food served at home. Read more
Inaugural lecture Prof. Renée Römkens Inaugural lecture by Prof. Renée Römkens (Director of Atria), professor by special appointment in Gender Based Violence at the University of Amsterdam. Read more
Teaching gender with libraries and archives A short review of this publication which deals with how to research gender in a library that only holds one copy of ‘The Second Sex’ Read more