Economic resilience of women in the Netherlands

Illustratie: Sketch and Talk
This project runs from September 2022 – September 2026
Today, nearly 35% of women in the Netherlands are not yet economically independent. Atria is part of the Dutch Economic Resilience Coalition. This coalition investigates how to increase women’s economic resilience. To do so, various interventions are tested, suggesting a ‘fix the system’ approach rather than a ‘fix the women’ approach.
What does the research involve?
Within this project, Atria investigates the barriers and solution directions to increase women’s economic resilience. In doing so, it not only considers the women themselves, but also the whole system, such as partners, employers and other institutions like municipalities.
Several interventions will be developed and tested to investigate how to stimulate the economic resilience of Dutch women. These interventions will subsequently be evaluated and opportunities for upscaling will be explored.
What role does Atria play within this research?
The coalition consists of three ‘living labs’ and an overarching project. Besides the overarching project, Atria is involved in two living labs as applicant and consortium partner.
- Living lab 1: ‘You don’t work alone’, aimed at mothers on benefits
- Living lab 2: ‘On your way to work’, aimed at women without work and without benefits
Atria evaluates interventions and is a participant in a transition network of organisations in which the outcomes of the research are applied.
The coalition develops and tests interventions to make various groups of women more economically resilient. In addition, the coalition builds a network of involved stakeholders. Interventions that prove successful in practice are brought to the attention of policymakers, employers, and women from the target group themselves through the network.
- Ingrid Doorten (researcher)
- Paula Thijs (researcher)
The Dutch Economic Resilience Coalition is a collaboration between scientists, employers, healthcare professionals and policy makers. You can see a list of all partners here.
For this project, Atria is particularly collaborating with Utrecht University, TNO, Feniks and Women Inc.
This research is funded by the National Science Agenda within the ‘Economic Resilience of Women’ programme of ZonMW-NWO.