Het rode boekje van de vrouw(en)

English title: The women’s little red book
Corporate author(s): Collective
Keyword(s): theories of power| work| family| birth control| autonomy| housework
Languages(s): Dutch
Manifest: view document
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‘The little red book of women’ was made for the first national women’s day in Belgium, organised on November 11 1972 in Brussels. It was written by a collectif of women active in different feminist groups, like Dolle Mina, Front de Libération de la Femme, Marie Mineur… The texts were kept short and accessible; they tackle many themes and are a mix of testimonies, explanations,
revendications, critiques… with some drawings in between. In that way they made the omnipresence of women’s oppression tangible, whilst staying close to women’s experiences and the questions they had. The booklet exists also in French and was reprinted at least thrice.