Manifest for hverdagsfeminismen

Manifest for hverdagsfeminismen

Other | Denmark

English title: Manifesto for Everyday Feminism
Keyword(s): feminsm
Languages(s): Danish
Manifest: KVIN-8791192072

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This manifesto summarizes in six points the message of the debate book “Manifestations. Everyday feminism in the 21st Century”:

  1. Feminism is a political ideology, advocating gender equality and opposing sexism and all other types of oppression in solidarity with the weaker social groups. Since feminism is a question of political standpoint rather than of sex,
  2. male feminists ought to be welcome, and
  3. female anti feminists ought to be criticized.
  4. Quotas,
  5. equal representation and
  6. better organized working life are key feminist tools.

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