Management genderových vztahů : postavení žen a mužů v organizaci

Book | Czech Republic
English title: Management of gender relations : women and men in organization
Keyword(s): labour market | sexual harassment | sexuality | identity | education | gender roles | family | socialization
Languages(s): Czech
Manifest: view document
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The book represents the first attempt in the Czech Republic to describe gender relations in organizations. Its main goal is determination and clarification of questions such as whether management of gender relations is considered as an important development in organizations and wants to stimulate gender sensitiveness and awareness of the readers.
This book aims to address mainly managers, hrm managers, university students and all persons who are interested in issues such as reconciliation of work, career and satisfying family or private life.
Each chapter ends with a comprehension check to test gender inequalities in organizations. The book is supplemented with a basic dictionary from the field of management diversity and gender relations on the labour market.
The publication was written by a chief of department Gender and Sociology at The Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Alena Křížková. She has been interested in the position of women and men on the labour market. Karel Pavlica is a professor of The University of Economics at psychology and sociology department in Prague. He focuses also
on training of social and managerial skills, intercultural management, corporate culture and methodology of social research in organizations.