Über Beziehungen zwischen Liebesverhältnissen und Mittelstreckenraketen

Article | Germany
English title: On connections between love and Cruise Missiles
Source: Aktuelle Frauenzeitung Courage
Keyword(s): domestic violence | sexual torture | genital mutilation | structural patriarchal violence | hidden power relations | female identity | the judgement of Paris | the military | feminist political strategies
Languages(s): Dutch – English – German
Manifest: view document
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The article is the publication of Sander`s lecture on February 17th 1980 in the Berlin Akademie der Künste, at the time when NATO planned to answer the deployment of sowjetic intermediate-range missiles SS-20 with Pershing II-missiles and at the same time bid the offer for disarmament. Against this “double resolution” protests in several European peace movements as well as in feminist groups were mobilized. Sander argued to start the feminist protests less in already existing organizations but rather by earnestly working on love relations. The article got published several times in diverse publications and also was translated into English and Dutch.