Non credere di avere dei diritti

Non credere di avere dei diritti : la generazione della libertà femminile nell’idea e nelle vicende di un gruppo di donne
Book | Italy
English title: Sexual Difference : a Theory of Social-Symbolic Practice
Keyword(s): women’s groups | feminist history | abortion movement | collectives | female thinking
Languages(s): Italian
Manifest: Non credere di avere dei diritti
© Copyright Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
“Non credere di avere dei diritti” (Do not believe you have rights) has been translated into English with the title “Sexual difference. Theory of Social-Symbolic Practice”, with a preface by Teresa de Lauretis, and published by the Indiana University Press on 1990. It is a collective book which narrates the origin of the women’s movement from 1966 to 1986 in Milan and the establishment of the Italian women bookstore collective as a place for political thought. The Libreria delle Donne’s thoughts and experiences are considered fundamental for the Italian feminism, in particular regarding the feminism of difference and women’s freedom (liberation). In this context part of the women’s movement detached from the equality policies.