Changing gender identity as a challenge to political space

Changing gender identity as a challenge to political space: is it the case in Latvia?

Changing gender identity as a challenge to political space: is it the case in Latvia?

Article | Latvia

Source: Women in Baltic Societies: Past and Present
Keyword(s): gender identity | political representation | role of media | gender role stereotypes | dominance | responsibility
Languages(s): English
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Chapter from the book ‘Women in Baltic Societies : Past and Present’, edited by Maria Goloubeva and Deniss Hanovs, and published by N.I.M.S. publishing house, Riga. Chapter from the book “Women in Baltic Societies: Past and Present,” edited by Maria Goloubeva and Deniss Hanovs, published by N.I.M.S. publishing house, Riga. The article deals with development of gender relations, roles and identity resulting from post Soviet transition to free market economy and democracy. It includes characteristics of political representation in re-established proportional election system, share of women among deputies and ministers, their real empowerment and reasons for disadvantages, the influence of the major actors: state, media, and society. Authors evaluate the impact of EU gender policies as rather formal and contradictory.


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