
Other | Luxembourg
Corporate author(s): Onofhängege Gewerkschaftsbond Lëtzebuerg (OGB-L) – Frauenabteilung
Keyword(s): work | education | right to work | social security | work/family reconciliation | unemployment | maternity protection | child care | equal pay | trade union
Languages(s): German
Manifest: view document
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This brochure, written by the women’s section of the Independent Trade Union Confederation, argues that women are particularly affected by the historic development of the productive forces (original term “Produktivkräfte”) which created relationships of dependency and oppression. Women have been exploited over centuries (wage discrimination, short-term contracts, no employment
in times of crisis, monotonous and exhausting work.). The authors are against a division into female and male jobs and demand a series of actions to level out the women’s deficit in education and professional training. The authors also want to overcome inequalities regarding the right to work (women’s involvement in the production process depends on the lack/surplus of workforce;
women are often offered jobs with poor promotion prospects due to their potential career interruptions because of children.).
Other chapters deal with social security, the difficult situation of working mothers and the position of women in trade unions.