O privire prin prisma sanatatii reproducerii la femeile Rome

O privire prin prisma sanatatii reproducerii la femeile Rome

Excluderea sociala la intersectia dintre gen, etnicitate si clasa : O privire prin prisma sanatatii reproducerii la femeile Rome

Book | Romania

English title: Social Exclusion at the Crossroads of Gender, Ethnicity and Class : A view Through Romani Women’s Reproductive Health
Corporate author(s):
Keyword(s): Romanian Roma women | reproductive health policy | social exclusion | multiple discrimination | post-communism
Languages(s): English – Romanian
Manifest: view document

© Copyright Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

This book is an analysis of the access of Romani women to reproductive health in post-socialist Romania. By considering the studied phenomenon as being socially, economically, culturally and politically determined, Magyari-Vincze theorizes on how exclusion works at the crossroads of ethnicity, gender and class, pointing out the importance of multiple discrimination function in transforming Romani women in one of the most under-served social categories of Romanian society. The research consists on two main parts: a primary, ethnographic research, and a secondary policy analysis regarding policies for Roma and Romanian reproductive health policies concerning Roma people. The book is printed in both English and Romanian.
O privire prin prisma sanatatii reproducerii la femeile Rome


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