Experts and selection

fotocredits: Becca Tapert

Laura Grunberg
Field of expertise: gender studies, sociology of gender, women’ movement , gender and education
Short bio:
– Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Sociology, University of Bucharest (since 2009)
– Adjunct Professor, National School for Political and Administrative Studies, Faculty of Political Sciences (since 1998)
– Adjunct Professor, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Sociology and Social Assistance, Department of Social Assistance, courses on “Minorities and social assistance issues-women” (1993-1995)
– Program assistant, UNESCO European Center for Higher Education (1993-2009): coordinating international projects on higher education issues: quality assurance, doctoral studies, demographics and higher education, gender and higher education, etc.
– President, Romanian Society for Feminist Analysis ANA (1993-2002); Vice-president (2002-2005);
– Editor in chief, Romanian Journal on feminist studies AnaLize (“AnaLize. Revistă de Studii Feministe” (1995-2006)
– Board member, Transforma Association (Romanian Netherland NGO)

Maria Bucur
Field of expertise: Romanian gender history
Short bio: Director, Russian and East European Institute, 2009-2013; Interim Chair, Gender Studies, Indiana University, 2008-2009; Associate Professor, John W. Hill Chair in East European History, Indiana University, 2003-present Acting Director, Russian and East European Institute, Indiana University, 2006-2007; Acting Co-Director, European Union Center for Excellence, Indiana University,2006-2007; Co-Editor, Aspasia Yearbook of Gender and Women’s History, 2005-present; Associate Editor, American Historical Review, 2003-2006; Assistant Professor, John W. Hill Chair in East European History, Indiana University, 1996-2003

Oana Băluţă
Field of expertise: gender studies, gender and political interests, gender and political representation, women’ movement, reconciliation of work with private life
Short bio:
– September 2008-March 2010: Long Term Gender Expert – in „Innovative Strategies for Work Organization in the Medical System, Bucharest-Ilfov, Region- STAR-MED”, project’s ID: 36881, Development of Human Resources Operational Programme, 2007-2013
– February 2008-present: Teaching Assistant at the Faculty of Journalism and Communication Sciences, University of Bucharest, Iuliu Maniu Boulevard, no 1-3, 6th floor, 5th district, Bucharest. (Facultatea de Jurnalism şi Ştiinţele Comunicării, Universitatea Bucureşti);
– April 2005–present: President, Centre for Curricula Development and Gender Studies: FILIA (Nongovernmental organization implementing projects that support equal opportunities policies for women and men)


Report on the selection process by the Romanian FRAGEN team

In the first stage of the selection process, the experts have provided us with their options regarding the texts to be included in the Fragen text database, giving us up to ten titles.

Initially we contacted five experts, and four of them agreed to help our project. Finally though, only three of them offered their support in order to finalize the selection process. Although we specified that no particular format of text was required – in order to keep the options open – and also we sent them the manual, all of our experts’ options were books. Also, we need to note that the experts worked separately, even though two of them asked to see the other’s choices – which we were happy to supply.

The second step we compiled the long list and sent it to the experts, ending up with the final list of selected texts. After we managed to put the titles in order (using the ranking method) we had a meeting with our project coordinator Mihaela Miroiu and had a discussion regarding the final list of texts. After the meeting we ended up with a slightly different list, Professor Miroiu arguing that Oana B?lu??’s text although academically relevant had little impact until now. Regarding the second title that was removed from the list (The Feminist Lexicon), the argument was that it was only a glossary of terms and figures, but less relevant for Romanian developments. Therefore, we modified the final list, replacing the two titles with Liliana Popescu’s Politica Sexelor (The Politics of Sexes)(a title that riched the 12th position after ranking) and with Mihaela Miroiu, Otilia Dragomir (Eds.) Na?terea. Istorii tr?ite (Birth. Living Stories) (a recently published book that already had a significant impact in Romanian media and society. The book consists on 20 life histories regarding the experience of birth, a quasi-taboo subject in Romanian society).
