Jej inakost, jej identita?

Other | Slovakia
English title: Her otherness, her identity?
Keyword(s): women | gender | sex | feminism | patriarchy | equality | otherness | identity
Languages(s): Slovak
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The text is an introduction study to the first part of the anthology of feminist philosophy texts called “Styri pohlady do feministickej filozofie” (“Four views on feminist philosophy”). This was the very first book published in Slovakia devoted to the feminism in the early nineties in the time when the discourse only started in Slovakia. The book is the Slovak translation from German and English of four texts by four authors: Nagl-Docekal, Herta; Weisshaupt, Brigitte; Fox-Keller, Evelyn; Code, Lorraine.
It is a theoretical text with a big impact on the future consciousness raising. It is focused on women´s movement, feminist theory, identity, reception of Simone de Beauvoir, and some other basic relevant problems of feminism in theory and praxis.