Feminist meeting

Mi zene okupljene na Drugom jugoslovenskom susretu feministkinja održanog u Zagrebu od 16 do 18 decembra 1988 zakljucujemo
Other | Croatia
English title: We the women gathered on the Second Yugoslav feminist meeting held from 16th to 18th of December 1988 conclude
Keyword(s): feminist meeting| political demands| violence against women| rape| reproductive rights| lesbian culture| population policy
Languages(s): SlovenianCroatian
Manifest: view document
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The text is written by the women gathered on the Second Yugoslav feminist meeting held in Zagreb from 16 to 18 December 1988 and contains conclusions from the meeting and feminist political demands. Conclusions are related to newly established SOS hotlines and shelters for women victims of violence. Participants are demanding changes in criminal law concerning rape and rape in marriage, improved conditions for respect of women’s reproductive rights, and constitutional warranty of equality regardless of sexual orientation. They refuse any state population policy and plan to organise women’s self-help groups, lesbian information network and work on visibility of lesbian culture.
Reprinted in: Jaz ti one… za nas : dokumenti jugoslovanskih feminističnih srečanj 1987-1991. – Ljubljana : Društvo Vita Activa; Zagreb : Centar za žene žrtve rata – Rosa, 2009.