Silovanje kao oružje

Other | Croatia
English title: Rape as a weapon
Corporate author(s): Ženski lobby Zagreb
Keyword(s): rape| war| war crimes| war violence| Geneva Convention
Languages(s): Croatian
Manifest: view document
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Women gathered in the informal group Zagreb Women’s Lobby issued a public appeal to world governments, regimes, and all world women’s and peace organisations concerning rape during wartime. The appeal is related to the escalation of violence against women in contemporary wars in former Yugoslavia. Members of the lobby demand immediate closure of prisoner camps in former Yugoslavia, treatment of rape as a war crime and the subsequent change of the Geneva Convention, as well as an immediate establishment of independent women’s team and crisis centres for raped women. The appeal ends with rejection of all forms of manipulation with victims, their number, nationality, and testimonies, that could be abused for nationalistic and war propaganda.