Heteromehe loomupärasest õigusest teha naisega mida tahab

Article | Estonia
English title: Of the natural right of heterosexual men to do whatever they please with women
Source: Eesti Ekspress
Keyword(s): gender stereotypes | gender roles | patriarchy | sexuality | objectification of women
Languages(s): Estonia
URL: https://ekspress.delfi.ee/arvamus/heteromehe-loomuparasest-oigusest-teha-naisega-mida-tahab?id=27690519
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The article uses satire to expose and ridicule gender stereotypes, patriarchy, gender inequality and the prioritization of male viewpoints and desires in Estonia. Among the problems pointed out in the article are the commercialization and objectification (to the male gaze) of women’s bodies and pressure on women to conform to accepted beauty standards.