Alle reden von Gewalt…

Article | Germany
English title: Everybody speaks about violence…
Source: in: Wollen wir immer noch alles? Frauenpolitik zwischen Traum und Trauma. 7. Sommeruniversität für Frauen. Berlin 3.-8.10.1983
Keyword(s): peace movements | nonviolence | discrimination | civil disorder | German terrorism | feminist reflections on violence | private-public debate | autonomy | feminist reductionism | victimization and polarization
Languages(s): German
Manifest: FFBI-38101983
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The article is a critical intervention into the feminist peace movement and feminist politics in general. It reflects the post 1968 history of the confrontation of state power and civil disorder movements as well as the feminist public-private debate. The article recommends the concession of personal and political helplessness and calls for new fantasies as well as for scholarly and political competence and complex global thinking.