Vyrai, vyriškumo formos ir maskulinizmo politika šiuolaikinėje Lietuvoje

Book | Lithuania
English title: Men, masculinity’s forms and politics of masculinity in contemporary Lithuania
Keyword(s): men | masculinity studies | politics of masculinity in Lithuania | hegemonic masculinity
Languages(s): English – Lithuanian
Manifest: view document
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The book provides a short introduction to men’s and masculinity studies and analyzes available statistical data on men in Lithuania. Describing the main concepts and categories of men’s studies it examines the prevailing forms and types of masculinity in contemporary Lithuania. The study also discusses the possibilities of the politics of masculinity in Lithuania in the face of the post-structuralist critiques of gender, sexuality and identity. It raises two questions central to masculinity politics and policies: How can we assess the meanings and significance of contemporary men’s changes? And to what extent do men’s changes support a feminist project of social transformation? With an English summary.