Sexual abuse of girls by family members

Sexual abuse of girls by family members : a national research of the scope, the nature, the family backgrounds, the emotional meaning and the psychic and psychosomatic consequences
Original title: Seksueel misbruik van meisjes door verwanten : een landelijk onderzoek naar de omvang, de aard, de gezinsachtergronden, de emotionele betekenis en de psychische en psychosomatische gevolgen
Book | Netherlands
Keyword(s): abuse | girls | sexual violence | statistical research | national government
Languages(s): Dutch
Manifest: view document
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National research conducted at the request of the Ministry of Social Affairs into the scope, the nature, the family backgrounds, the emotional meaning and the psychological and psychosomatic consequences of sexual abuse by family members. The research is based on interviews with 1054 women between 20-40 years old, from different parts of the country. On the basis of this research, Nel Draijer published her PhD thesis, which contains an English summary of the study, with the title: Seksuele traumatisering in de jeugd : lange termijn gevolgen van seksueel misbruik van meisjes door verwanten (1990), Socialistische Uitgeverij Amsterdam, ISBN: 90-6222-200-5.