Din istoria feminismului romanesc Vol II

Book | Romania
English title: From the History of Romanian Feminism 2nd volume
Keyword(s): Romanian feminist history | interwar period | women’s political activism | feminist manifestos | Romanian feminist movement | anthology of texts
Languages(s): Romanian
Manifest: view document
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This is the second volume of the anthology of Romanian feminist texts edited by Stefania Mihailescu. It covers the period from 1929 to 1948, illustrating a period of full maturity and growth of the Romanian feminist movement and ideas. The increase in political activism and the multitude of theoretical positions were two of the criteria used for the selection of the texts.
The editor also choosed those texts reflecting the activities of the women’s national organizations in their struggle for rights. Also, in regard to the texts chosen from the forth decade of the 20th Century, the editor selected mainly those concerned with the totalitarian threat to democracy – right and left.