‘Keeping the Princess in the know’

Just like her mother Queen Wilhelmina, princess Juliana showed a lively interest in the work of Dutch women’s organizations.
This letter, dated December 3rd 1945, proves that.
Already at the beginning of the Second World War in 1941, prominent women from major Dutch women organizations of all denominations and political context, came together to discuss important problems originating from the occupation. In 1944, the Nederlandse Vrouwen Comité, or NVC (Dutch Women Committee), evolved from these meetings. The first president of the illegal NVC was the feminist and resistance fighter Marie Anne Tellegen, who also was a jurist.
The addressee miss M.W. Barger, member of the NVC, was the pivot of the Young Women Christian Association (YWCA) in the Netherlands. Her extensive archives can be found at Atria. The sender, Marga Klompé PhD, would become the first female minister in the Netherlands in 1953.
Source: Archive NVC, inv.nr 132