International Men and Gender Equality Survey – IMAGES NL An IMAGES NL study could offer a broad insight into the experiences, behaviour and attitudes of men in the Netherlands. Read more
Watch the Dolle Mina lecture 2022 with Mona Eltahawy You can watch here the Dolle Mina lecture 2022 witch Mona Eltahawy, a journalist for media about women’s rights and sexual liberation. Read more
Amplifying women & youth initiatives to combat climate change In this blog we share some of the highlights of a CSW side-event about women and youth initiatives to combat climate change. Read more
The Netherlands’ Civil Society Priorities for CSW66 The empowerment of all women and girls in the context of climate change is crucial to achieve gender equality. Read more
Gender pay gap in the Netherlands There is a gender pay gap in the Netherlands: working women earn around 13,7% less than working men. Part of this gap can be explained. Read more
1919 Dutch Women’s Suffrage: socialist politics, editing, and design The Art Nouveau design of this book was created by a female graphic artist: Fré Cohen. She would become famous as designer of the council printing press of Amsterdam. Read more
The lessons of Dolle Mina (‘Mad Mina’) ‘Mad Mina’ has become the symbol for the second feminist wave in the Netherlands. Videos. Read more
recommendations The Netherlands’ civil society priorities for CSW65 Key for achieving gender equality is: women’s full and effective participation and decision-making in public life, and ending violence against women. Read more
Violence against women Violence against women is a major problem worldwide. In the Netherlands, one in five women has ever been physically abused by an (ex-) partner. In the 1970s, women protested against sexual violence by taking to the streets at night ('Witch nights'), now there are SlutWalks or social media actions like #metoo. Violence is one of Atria's spearheads. Fotocredits: de Nationale Beeldbank Read more
(Inter)national What are the national consequences of Dutch and European policy and international decisions and treaties for the emancipation and position of women? Atria is active as a platform for national and international work in the service of gender equality. Fotocredits: Jerry Kiesewetter Read more
Divers When subjects are of great importance with regard to equal rights and opportunities, but can not be applied to feminism, representations, violence or work, Atria places them under the category 'other'. Read more
Extraordinary women Women are not yet sufficiently visible in history overviews, science, politics, sports, art and culture. Therefore, Atria puts the spotlight on the life course of extraordinary women who have played, or continue to play, a distinctive role in society. Read more
Feminism Feminism is the collective name for social and political movements that question unequal relationships between men and women, to break gender stereotypes and to strengthen the position of women. Read more
Labor and care Combining paid work and unpaid work at home is still a difficult task for most women in our society. This can be a challenge for women throughout their lives. It starts with its attributed role within the male-female relationship about household tasks and childcare. This theme occupies a central position at Atria. Read more
Representations Gender-stereotypical representations lead to inequality between men and women, from a lack of women in leadership positions to a shortage of female science students. In many cases these are stereotypes that have concrete consequences. Fotocredits: Alekzan Powell Read more