Envisioning a Feminist Global Society Cypriot Women, Civil Society and Global Change

Article | Cyprus
English title: Envisioning a Feminist Global Society Cypriot Women, Civil Society and Global Change
Source: International Feminist Journal of Politics
Keyword(s): global feminism | Cyprus conflict | conflict | Civil Society | activism | alternative | women’s NGOs | ethnic division
Languages(s): English
URL: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1461674032000080611
Manifest: envisioning feminist global civil society
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The article presents a collection of interviews with a number of NGOs in Cyprus, including women’s NGOs, with an attempt to visualize the emergence of alternative agendas and structures at the background of ethnically divided Cyprus. It emphasizes the importance of women’s movement in the processes of political change and brings forward the relationship between the two nationalist-capitalist states (South and North) and women’s organizations actively seeking to challenge the status quo of the division.