Manifest für eine autonome Frauenbewegung

Ohne Frauen ist kein Staat zu machen

Ohne Frauen ist kein Staat zu machen, einige Frauen-Fragen an ein alternatives Gesellschaftskonzept oder: Manifest für eine autonome Frauenbewegung

Other | Germany

English title: Some women`s questions towards an alternative conception of society or: manifest for an autonomous women`s movement
Keyword(s): rapid deteriation of gender relations | divorce | decline of birthrate | poverty of single mothers | neglect of older women | alternatives
Languages(s): German
Manifest: view document

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The text was issued at December 3rd, 1989, as a manifesto for the formation of an Independant Women`s Association (“Unabhängiger Frauenverband”, UFV) by hundreds of women attending a meeting at the Berlin Volksbühne. It stresses women`s contribution to the transformation of the German Democratic Republic (GDR) and calls for further feminist intervention in the building of a completely new democratic, ecological, multicultural and solidarious society without private property accumulation and private property consumtion. As a crash programm it also demands a new definition of work that comprises unpaid labor as well as paid employment.


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