Die Diskriminierung der Mädchen in der Schule

Other | Luxembourg
English title: The Discrimination of Girls at School
Corporate author(s): Cercle de liaison des enseignants critiques
Keyword(s): school| education| sexism| discrimination| stereotypes| textbook analysis| socialisation| gender roles| teacher| early school leavers| educational opportunity
Languages(s): Luxembourgish – French – English – German
Manifest: view document
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This 84-page brochure, written in 1978 by CLEC (Cercle de liaison des enseignants critiques, “group of critical teachers”), contains critical texts about the education system and speaks out against sexism in schools. Providing a variety of examples it reveals the male and female stereotypes in textbooks. The authors of the brochure, all teachers themselves, suggest that those textbooks should be banned and others should be introduced (they list alternatives in the bibliography). They also suggest that teachers discuss gender-specific stereotypes in class in order to create an early awareness of problems arising from fixed gender roles. The image of women used in the textbooks is old-fashioned and clichéd (see above) or, in some cases, inexistent: In one particular textbook analysed by CLEC most texts and stories are only about boys or men, the choice of topics clearly targets boys. Young people internalise the textbook content over the years and this influences their socialisation.