10 år med kvinnorörelsen

Gråt inte kämpa! 10 år med kvinnorörelsen
Book | Sweden
English title: Don’t cry, strike back! Ten years with the women’s movement
Keyword(s): feminist issues | bulletins | Sweden | seventies
Languages(s): Swedish
Manifest: view document: Gråt inte kämpa!
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This is a collection of articles from Kvinnobulletinen (Women’s Bulletin), mouthpiece of Grupp 8 (Group 8), Sweden’s most important women’s organisation with a socialist-feminist agenda. It covers the years 1970-1980, a central period of feminist struggle. In 1970 (the bulletin’s first year) you are introduced to the credo of “double oppression”, that is, women’s (especially
working class women’s) oppression by men but also by capitalism. Then the concrete issues follow: demands for day care, full time employment, equal pay; criticism of the division of labour in the nuclear family; demonstrations against pornography and prostitution; support of striking women cleaners and textile workers. But there are also personal confessions to “my sister” about love and sex and from a lesbian, feminist group, which evidently needed a separate presentation at this time. Kvinnobulletinen was a major source of inspiration, discussion, knowledge, for members of Group 8 as well as other readers. / Summary by Ingrid Holmquist