Vyrai, vyriškumo formos ir maskulinizmo politika šiuolaikinėje Lietuvoje The study discusses the possibilities of the politics of masculinity in Lithuania in the face of the post-structuralist critiques of gender, sexuality and identity Read more
Shortcomings in legal equality The article contains a short reminder of legalising gender equality in Latvia: since 1919 in education and political rights, and during the 90-ties in parents’ rights and social security. Read more
Changing gender identity as a challenge to political space The article deals with development of gender relations, roles and identity resulting from post Soviet transition to free market economy and democracy. Read more
Latvijas prezidente Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga Biography of the first Latvian woman President. Born in Latvia, spent most of her life as a refugee in Germany, Morocco and Canada, made there an academic career as psychologist. Read more
Individualità e pluralità The article is focused on Orlando’s activities experienced with Israeli and Palestinian women movements. In particular the transversal character of that practice is based on the awareness of women’s own positionality and politics and the commitment to dialogue and information exchange. Read more
álláspont a női kvóta törvényjavaslat kapcsán The introduction of a 50% women’s quota on the parties’ candidate lists with women and men candidates alternating. Read more
feminismos kai politiki A discussion on ‘feminism and politics’ on key feminist issues as collective action, family, motherhood, state etc. Read more
Diataxikotita-Avtonomia-Mazikotita The text explained why women’s question was beyond class differences, as women were still treated as second class citizens while issues such as their unpaid domestic work, men’s violence to women, all the disadvantages that women faced in work and education, were issues for all women, because of their gender and not because of their social origins. Read more