Fra et sydende telt på Femø

Fra et sydende telt på Femø, til Åbenrå, til Prinsessegade, til Gothersgade, til en smuk sal på Danner
Article | Denmark
English title: From a buzzing tent on Femoe to Aabenraa to Prinsessegade to Gothergade to a beautifull hall in Danner
Source: Kvinders hæfte
Keyword(s): violence | rape | feminist pedagogy
Languages(s): Danish
Manifest: view document
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Self-defence became a crucial subject in courses taught by feminist activists. From 1971 Redstockings arranged summer tent camps on the island of Femø, where the idea of feminist self-defence was born from discussions of violence against women and alternative pedagogical methods, based on women’s own experiences. The courses took part in various building squatted by women in Copenhagen until 1979, after which they moved to the first Danish centre for battered women.