Je älter, desto lesbischer?

Je älter, desto lesbischer?

Article | Germany

English title: the older the more lesbian?
Source: pro familia Magazin
Keyword(s): lesbians | old age | parties | groups | networks | coming out | identity | history | lesbian marriage | feminism
Languages(s): German
Manifest: view document

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The author reports the huge participation at the “fossils` party” in June 2006 and other meetings of lesbians over 60 years as an example for living within tight communication networks. She informs about “Safia”, an association for lesbians to actively shape growing old. And she contrasts the problems of Coming-Out for the generation over 60 years of age with the identity and self acceptance of these lesbians today. One reason for the changes she finds in the influences of the international student`s movement and the women`s movement. However, she also reports that many older lesbians, especially in small towns or in rural areas, live as single, often rather unvoluntarily.


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